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Service-Oriented companies have changed the way how they work to finish different tasks of the customers. With innovations in technology, we have a new generation of home appliances products from various brands. Today, we have advanced Mobile workforce management software which lets the technicians and field workers work efficiently.

The field Service Industry has many tasks to be fulfilled to provide reliable and satisfactory services to the customers. With Mobile Workforce Management Software, the Field Service company can keep an eye and organize their workforce efficiently. It comes with better management options. Here, we have listed down some of the benefits of using Mobile Workforce Management Software in the Field Service Industry.

1. Better Field Workforce Management with Mobile Service

With dynamic mobile services, re-routing of the service requests become easier. Based on customers’ request, you can manage their requests and can deliver the appropriate satisfactory services on time. It provides better workforce management automatically by assigning the tasks to the right technicians and field workers.

2. Real-time alerts with proper locations

New generation Field Service Management Software comes with built-in tools to keep an eye on the Workforce. The Software comes with a built-in GPS which lets the technician navigate to the right directions to provide his service. In the meantime, if one more request accepted from the same route, the software detects and send an alert message in real time. It also sends push notification to the customer when his request is accepted.

3. Delay Alerts in Real-Time

There could be a lot of reasons why a technician is not on time. If the serviceman requires more time to accomplish his assigned task, the software sends delay alerts to the customers in real-time. This lets the customer know about the service man’s arrival time. This provides satisfactory services.

4. Scheduling requests automatically

When you are not available in the department to accept requests from the customers, you don’t need to worry about it. With Mobile workforce management software, all the requests from the customers can be accepted by the administrator from anywhere through their mobile phones. They can even handle and schedule all the received applications efficiently. With Artificial Intelligence technology, the software itself re-route and schedule appointments of the customers.

5. Service and Maintenance Contract Management

Over 60% of service calls that you receive from the customers are for the maintenance of the products and machinery. With this software, your organization can handle all the service and maintenance related contracts effectively. The software manages contracts of the maintenances as well as other service requests for the same.

Most Service-Oriented companies also sell various products and provide related services to them. While selling new products, most companies offer special maintenance contracts to manage multiple services. The software handles all kinds of services and offers better management for all the products.

6. Work and Asset Management

An advanced Mobile Workforce Management Software handles a variety of requests from the customers. Starting from accepting the requests to assigning them to expert technicians, everything can be easily controlled by the software.

Besides this, the software also helps the organizations with managing all the assets. Yes, with built-in Asset Management tool, the software keeps an eye on all the Assets that present in the organizations. The software fully integrates with another system which tracks down all the assets and their maintenance period. You will get to know the service period of the tools and machinery, which keep all the Assets up to date. It saves you a lot of money which you can invest for the betterment of the organization.

7. Real-time dispatching

Through Mobile Workforce Management Software, the organization will be able to provide efficient services for more complex and large issues. This type of requests requires outsourcing to handle that job. On the other hand, other field service companies also provide services within 24 hours of the request. With useful built-in tools designed by advanced technology, an organization can dispatch the serviceman in real-time. They handle such requests from Artificial Intelligence-based tools.

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