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Malik Kurdi is the owner of Exemplary Marketing. He is one of the most interesting contributors to the world of app design and development right now. If you would like to know a little more about him, and his app development company, read on…

Malik Kurdi is the owner and CEO of Exemplary Marketing. He is also the company’s main driving force, bringing innovation and creativity to every project the team takes on. When it comes to app development and design, as well as AI and marketing, there are few people who know more than Malik Kurdi.

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Although Malik studies Criminal justice at Moraine Valley Community College, where he graduated in 2005, the Chicago native has always had a passion for tech, so it was a natural choice for him to start exemplary marketing and start providing some of the best custom mobile applications, and software development designs in the business. In fact, his degree helps him to run the business and build apps with a more analytical eye, which is never a bad thing.

What drives Malik?

The desire to see Exemplary Marketing succeed, not only for his own sake but for the sake of the talented creative team who work alongside him every day, and for the clients who will undoubtedly benefit from the excellent work they do, is his main driving factor in life.

Malik is passionate about developing and managing lead generating technologies, which companies can use to engage their audience and convert more customers. He’s just as passionate about helping his long-term clients as he is the new ones, and he puts, problem-solving content, education, and compelling apps at the forefront of everything he does at Exemplary Marketing.

As if that wasn’t enough, Malik is also very much into brand awareness. He understands just how important it is for businesses to build strong brand identities if they want to succeed in today’s competitive markets, which is why Exemplary Marketing are always able to develop apps that match a company’s branding perfectly.

Where does Malik excel?

Malik is a real all-rounder in the world of app development/design, but he is very gifted with an analytical mind that enables him to quickly grasp the requirements of each client who gets in touch with Exemplary Marketing, and quickly work out the best strategy for designing their mobile applications so that they are fresh, effective, compelling, and most importantly of all popular.

Malik also has really high standards. He won’t let the team release an app if he is not 100 per cent sure that all of the bugs are ironed out and it is completely fit for purpose. He may be the CEO of the company, but he is extremely hands-on and wants to do the best for this client, whoever they may be. He has a strong work ethic, which means that Exemplary marketing, which reflects his personality, will always strive to deliver your projects on time.

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What does malik do in his spare time?

Spending time at Exemplary Marketing doesn’t feel like work for Malik – he enjoys every second spent there tinkering with AI bots and creating brand new mobile applications to launch his clients on the market,  but he does have some outside interests too.

When Malik isn’t working, he can often be found chilling out with good friends, helping out charities he cares about or working out so that he can stay fit and healthy enough to run Exemplary Marketing as effectively as possible because that’s really where his true passion lies. He also has a keen eye for fashion, which really helps with his app design work, and a love of connecting with new people on and offline, client and non-client alike. Cars are also something that Malik loves, and as you would expect from the owner of a mobile app design company,  the cars he likes are sleek, stylish and oh so fast. Basically, Malik is a well-rounded individual who is as comfortable chilling at the beach as he is solving problems in the office – and he does solve them by the bucket load just in case you were wondering.

What about Exemplary Marketing?

Exemplary Marketing is a world-class app development company with a five star rating. Whether you’re looking for a new iPhone app for your startup or a brand new website to help you relaunch your brand, Malik and the team are always on hand to help. So, why not get in touch with them on US: (312) – 858 – 6578 or (UK) +447868793775 today?

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