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What is a dynamic website?  Dynamic websites are those that use some programming language to generate their pages. When someone types in a search query, the content on the page will change depending on what they searched for. A few examples of dynamic websites include:

  • Ecommerce sites
  • Writing blogs
  • To-do sites and more

Here is how you can still do SEO with dynamic websites and rank higher than your competition.

Don’t Spend Too Much Optimizing a Page

If you do, it will be a lot of wasted time. Optimization should be done in steps and after each step, check your rankings to see if the page improved or not. If it didn’t improve, then don’t spend too much time optimizing that page because it won’t rank for specific keywords no matter how much you try.

Another point to keep in mind is that you have a limited amount of time. Therefore, it would help if you spent your effort optimizing the most important pages first and then moved on to other parts of the site, such as blog posts or product descriptions.

On the other hand, don’t focus on too many keywords either because it will be like playing darts blindfolded; you won’t know where to aim, and it will be a big waste of time.

Use Short but Adequately Detailed Information

Use short but adequately detailed information and relevant keywords in the blog post content, which are essential for your readers. Always try to write at least 300 words per blog post and use subheadings throughout it.

Add images to your post whenever possible as they will help you rank higher on the Google Images Search engine results page (SERP). Also, use markups to help search engines extract more information from your web pages and make it easier for them to index your page content correctly.

When done, click the “Publish” button to place your blog posts online. You can then share them with your friends and followers on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn by clicking their icons at the bottom of each post. Publish a few posts per day to get more traffic and better SEO rankings.

Avoid Using Too Many URLs

Avoid using too many URLs. If a client asks you to use the same content on different pages, tell them that it is not suitable for SEO and ask if there are any other ways they can accomplish what they want without doing this.

It will be easier for both of you to develop another solution than having multiple pieces of duplicate content on the site. When you do not need to worry about the same content, your website will be easier to rank, and it will be great for SEO.

Use subdomains for every topic. If your site is about many different topics, it would be best to use subdomains instead of folders or directories. This way, you can keep everything organized, and the website will still not have any problems with duplicate content because each page on a subdomain has its unique URL, so there are no duplicates.

Focus More on Your Product

The best way to do SEO for a dynamic website is to focus more on your product. The page’s content should be all about how people can use your product and what results they will get from it. Your customers already know that you have excellent products, so don’t waste time telling them this over and over again within your blog posts.

If you focus on the result that people get from your product, it will be much easier to put keywords and search engine optimization (SEO) related words within the blog post content. That way, when someone is searching Google for a specific need they have, there’s a better chance of them finding an article that is helpful to them and your website.

Dynamic is Good, But Don’t Overdo

Dynamic websites are great for search engines because they can quickly figure out the page structure. While it’s good that you’re using dynamic pages instead of static HTML files, remember not to go overboard on them.

If your URL is long and complicated enough that people would have a tough time misremembering it or typing, then there might be an issue. An excellent example of this is when you have a very long query string at the end of your URL, which starts to get confusing if there are multiple parameters.

Search engines don’t like dynamic websites all that much. It’s true, and it can be a massive problem for web admins who rely on search engine traffic to drive business. Fortunately, the solution is pretty simple: using SEO-friendly URLs (and avoiding session IDs) will make your site more crawlable by Google. This does SEO for dynamic websites. banner

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