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Heading tags serve a few purposes on your website. They’re great at providing more structure to your content and making your articles more appealing to read and more digestible for your readers. On top of that, they bring a range of SEO benefits that’ll help attract more visitors to your site.

We’re going to take a closer look at heading tags and the role they play in your SEO today. So if you want to find out what they’re all about and how to make better use of them on your website, you’re in the right place. Read on now to find out more.

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What Are Header or Heading Tags?

Header tags are tags that break down your content and make it clear how the piece should be read. A H1 tag is the most important tag and there are sub-headings underneath them that go from H2 to H6. That structure makes it easier for people to read the content, and it can help a lot with SEO. We’re going to talk next about why they’re so important and how you can use them correctly on your website.

The Importance of Heading Tags for SEO

The most important reason to use heading tags is to create better structure in your writing. When you have the right tags in place, it’s clear to everyone precisely what you’re trying to achieve with your writing and how the content should be followed. H1 tags offer the main topic, and H2 tags can act as chapters within the context of the piece, and the smaller headings break things down into smaller sub-sections.

Simply breaking up the text makes it far more inviting for the reader as well. People don’t tend to want to read a big block of text that has no structure and no headings. By using the right heading tags, you can encourage people to read rather than moving on immediately.

Heading tags help you to achieve your SEO goals far more easily as well. Google and other search engines will gather context about your page from the heading tags you use. That’s why it’s important to use keywords in your heading tags. As long as the keywords are integrated in a way that’s natural, you should find it easy to give your SEO a boost with the help of good heading tags.

How to Use Heading Tags:

Use an H1 Heading for the Page Title or Main Content Heading

The most important thing about the H1 tag is that it’s usually best to only use one of them in each piece of content. That’s because the H1 tag is there to offer a heading to the whole piece, offering people an introduction letting them know what they should expect. Some people might use more than one H1 tag but if you’re using them for page titles, it doesn’t make sense to have more than one of them.

Use Keywords in Headings Naturally

Adding Keywords are important and because Google will gather information about your pages from your heading tags, it’s definitely important to use your keywords in those heading tags. It’ll provide your pages with a helpful SEO boost, improving their ranking in the process. But you need to feature those keywords naturally because if the headings read awkwardly, the content won’t perform how you want it to regardless of the keywords.

Avoid Keyword Stuffing

As well as making your usage of keywords as natural as possible, you’ll also need to think about how you can avoid keyword stuffing. This is when you cram in keywords as much as possible, without thinking about how it appears and how many of them there are. More is often less when it comes to using your keywords. Stuffing in more doesn’t necessarily mean a better search engine ranking.

Heading Tags Length

You also need to think about the length of your heading tags. You can cause yourself unnecessary problems by creating heading tags that are simply too long, and that’s clearly not what you want. So make your headings relatively short and to the point, as this benefits the reader and it’s viewed positively from an SEO point of view. 50 to 60 characters is a good length to aim for.

So if you’re not yet using heading tags for SEO on your website, that’s something that you should look to change at the soonest opportunity. Each of the tips and ideas discussed here today will help you to provide your content with better structure and deliver the SEO benefits you’re undoubtedly looking for. banner

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