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With technological innovations and changes, most business functions across all sectors feel the impact. For any business to thrive amidst fierce competition in the market, it has to adapt and embrace innovations in the specified field.

It is a fact that technology is changing the way we do business. Marketing as a business function significantly gets the impact as many changes keep on coming up. It is with this effect that digital marketing is taking the lead for many companies.

Marketers, at times, fail to understand and notice how much and how often technology changes. Such can cost the business much, and it becomes challenging to keep up with the changing trends.

Get to know that digital marketing trends do not take long to be outdated. As a digital marketer, therefore, you ought to be constantly at the forefront and stay abreast of the changes. Get also to know the significant impact it will have on your business.

The recent changes do revolve around mobiles and gadgets technology and the internet. Look at the way web design is getting popular as an emergency response.

The benefits that companies derive from big data and the Internet of Things (IoT) in gathering consumer information can hardly be measured. Such information is vital when it comes to decision making.

With every business exploring new methods to market its brand, you might wonder how to gain a competitive edge. In this article, we are going to discuss some of the concepts on how to keep up to date with technology and marketing trends.

Top 3 Marketing Technology To Consider

1. Customer Experience

There is no marketing without customers. Every aspect of a marketing strategy revolves around customers and their satisfaction. What is it that will attract customers? What will give them the urge to come back for more?

The face of marketing is shifting from just convincing customers to associate with your products or services. The focus now is providing the ideal customer experience. It would be best if you prioritized building a positive image and business culture.

With the rapid development of online content, customers are gaining more power than before. They do the research and decide whether the product is worth using the content you provide online.

How then will you improve your customer experience? Focus on efficiency, convenience, and knowledge. Ge to give your customers easy mobile experience, friendly services including easy and varied payment options.

2. Visualization

Visual content plays a vital role, and you should not just ignore it. With the availability and advancement of smart speakers and voice search, you should not overlook visual content.

According to research, there is a significant number of potential customers that prefer visual content to plain texts. The increasing number and development of image-focused platforms like Instagram attest to this.

3. Personalization

What better way to convince a client than through a personalized touch? Personalization is on the rise, all thanks to technology. With increasing and advancing technology in data collection, marketers are finding it easy to understand consumer behaviours and need.

With personalization, you can get a real connection with your customer.

How To Keep Abreast With Technology And Marketing Trends

1. Publications

Some articles are dedicated to digital marketing. Get to utilize them and make them your source of reliable information concerning the latest trends in digital marketing.

Such publications are not only ideal for updating you with the latest trends. They are also significant in providing insights and guide to improving your existing strategies.

2. Blogs And Websites

Are you looking for an expert opinion? Blogs are an excellent place to start. There are many blogs and websites managed by big names in the technology and marketing industry.

There are so many IT news websites including The Icon Tech, a website where you can find new updates about technology and digital marketing. Some of the blogging platforms that could be useful include WordPress, Blogger, among others.

3. Google Alerts

Ensure that you optimize on google alerts. You can set up email updates that relate to trends in your industry. The alerts pop up either on social media, content writing, and any other digital marketing platform. Your optimization gets better when you filter your results by relevance and region.

4. Trade Shows and Exhibition

When you are looking to network with other marketers, attending relevant exhibitions is significant. It’s an opportunity to catch up and connect with other digital marketers.

With trade shows and exhibitions, you get to keep up with the latest products the industry has to offer. You also get to sharpen your skills in digital marketing.

5. Social Media

Social media is shaping the face of digital marketing. People do spend so much time on social media platforms, including Twitter and Facebook. Take this to your advantage and update yourself on technology and marketing trends. Get specific twitter hashtags relevant to your field and get updates running background. It is with this that you get to receive timely news.

6. LinkedIn

Being a professional platform, LinkedIn is ideal for you to connect with technology gurus and marketing experts. Use the platform to receive news from influencers, publications, and professional experts. You get not only insights but also advice and recommendations on what is trending.

7. Continuous Training

Put into best utilization certified marketing training in the market. Being knowledgeable is vital to implementing technological innovations. Training and courses come in handy to shaping your skills and have the ability to focus on inevitable changes. Depending on your requirements, choose a module or course that best suits you.


The success of your business is subject to your marketing strategies. Digital marketing is useful when you have the right tools, techniques, and strategies. Do not hold on experimenting with technological trends, ensure that you are keeping up with changes in the market, and take what best fits your marketing strategy. Consider the fact that marketing strategies differ. Update your knowledge to come up with better strategies.

Guest Author

Maryn is a tech enthusiast and creative content writer. She is interested in all tech-related stuff, digital marketing, travel, fitness and personal improvement. Find Maryn on Twitter @MarynMcdonnell.

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