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Content Writing

What To Charge For Content Writing?

Content writing covers a range of copywriting projects, from writing for websites and blogs to emails and marketing content. The price of which you should charge for content writing varies depending on your experience, availability, location, and services you can...

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What Is Blogging And Content Writing?

Most websites and blogs use content writing nowadays to sell their brand, market themselves, and become more personable. Content writing can grow brands awareness, both on websites and blogs. However, you might want to know the difference between blogging and content...

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How To Start A Content Writing Agency?

There are plenty of people out there who make a good living writing for others on a freelance basis, but learning how to start a content agency could be the next best thing for you. There are companies out there looking to connect with writers and content creators who...

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What is and how to write unique content

We frequently read and hear that “Content is King.” What is content and what type of content is king? And shall we consider that Content alone is sufficient for success? Reading some material on others website and reproducing it, is sufficient? Because content is...

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9 Simple Tips to Write Good Content for Your Website

What makes your website look presentable? It’s a layout that includes everything which can represent your business such as content, product images, website logo and page policy. Your website should be well explained and clear to the viewers because visitor’s point of...

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